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The first premium lightweight E-Motorbike

NOVUS is a handcrafted-limited series full carbon fiber Motorbike.

NOVUS is more than a Motorcycle. It is a piece of Art on Wheels



With the driver's license classes B196, A1, A2, and A you can ride all NOVUS One models!


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For everybody looking for something
truly unique

NOVUS is changing how a modern motorcycle looks like

A piece of art - only limited by creativity

Wir sind nicht daran interessiert, Motorräder zu bauen. Wir machen Träume wahr!

  • 1.9 sec
    0-50 km/h
  • 400 Nm
    peak torque
  • 130 km/h
    top speed
  • 150 km
    city range
  • 25 kw
    peak performance

Design and engineering in pure harmony

NOVUS is built and designed from scratch

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Right, This is something new!


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